After this Virtual Bootcamp you will enjoy:
- Improved customer satisfaction
- Increased cross-selling and up-selling
- Improved client retention and referrals
- More organic sales growth (and an easier time doing it)
- Standing out from your competition
Why create your Customer Happiness Experience NOW?
Repeat Customers Buy More Over Time
You spend less money in marketing and get a higher return, plus it is easier to close sales and have a steady stream of income.
Customers Pay More For A Better Experience
Consumers are willing to spend up to 16% more on products and services with companies that offer a better experience. (Source: Forbes)
Return Customers Refer You To Other Ideal Customers
It is no secret, a happy customer will tell their friends and family about you. People who are referred by a friend are 4x more likely to make a purchase.
Fortune 500 businesses consider Customer Experience (CX) to be the new battleground, but small businesses are lagging behind in experience design.
Only 26% of companies have a well-developed strategy in place for improving customer experience, which means that there is a massive opportunity for companies like yours to leave your competition in the dust. (Source: Forbes)
Just what is Customer Experience (CX) and why is it important?
Your Customer Experience (CX) is comprised of highly effective and engaging touch points that span your customer's journey while interacting with you. It begins when they first discover your business extending all the way through their last interaction and beyond.
The idea behind CX Design is to meet or exceed customer expectations and generate positive emotions. It pushes past typical sales and service techniques creating a system that engages your customers.
Customer Experience design is based off of the Customer Journey and the systems you have in place during each phase. The graphic below will help you visualize how it all works together.

Customer Experience (CX) is essential to every business because:
- It stimulates organic growth and is another way to unlock profits
- It is a key brand differentiator that drives customer retention
- It increases market share because customers hear all of the "amazing things" about your business
- It triggers faster revenue growth by improving cross-selling, up-selling and referrals.
- I know...you've been taught that marketing for new customers is the only way to generate revenue...but now you know the hidden path (that is already inside your business) to even higher revenues.
- It is time to stop leaving money on the table.
Hi, I'm Wendy Dahl
My zone of brilliance is helping businesses master the skill of Creating Happiness through developing highly engaging CX programs.
Over the past decade I’ve worked with leaders in Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike in designing highly engaging and memorable experiences. I’ve even had the opportunity to speak in front of thousands of entrepreneurs around the country to help them up-level their business practices.
Magic happened on the stage when I gave my first “Business of Creating Happiness” talk in 2015. I was speaking to a room full of experience creators and had identified a universal pattern of success that most businesses were not using yet. It triggered them to go back to their offices and implement programs that increased customer happiness and improved retention immediately.

I came to some interesting conclusions
Marketing for new customers works, but retaining and selling more to your existing customers is much easier and more lucrative.
Most companies haven’t designed an intentional customer experience because they are missing the framework and tools to get it done. Or they get stuck in data overwhelm when determining where the money leaks are or what is working and what isn’t.
The Client Happiness Experience Virtual Bootcamp will give you both the framework and the tools to design a program that keeps your customers happy for the long run, setting you apart from your competition.
I've learned a great deal about Experience Design over the past decade.
My journey began with a gut feeling that there was a better way to run my business. I was doing such a great job of being like everyone else. I wore the suit. I had the portfolio, the degrees and certificates. I was all business. And I felt so empty inside.
I was working with all kinds of clients that spanned from Fortune 100 CEO’s to everyday awesome business people in a variety of industries. On the outside, it looked glamorous. I was designing experiences in places most people only dream of. My friends, people I met, even my daughter’s friends and their moms would all say, “How awesome that you get to…”
Yes, the work was incredible. But, on the inside it felt all “blah” to me. Sure I did an amazing job, but it all felt so…mechanical.
It wasn’t long after that I experienced one of those magical moments that course corrects your life. I was at a motivational conference surrounded by hundreds of other entrepreneurs who were contemplating the question, “What is your purpose?”
In two clicks I identified that I was already living my purpose without really knowing what it was.

I am a wizard at creating happiness!
I had just downplayed it to be like all of the other businesses in my market.
That day, the game changed.
To breathe life into my business, I threw being like everyone else to the wind and began to create interactions with my clients that were more enjoyable. It worked. Everyone was happy, even my strategic partners, who were my main referral source.
I am a systems thinker, and in one of my online searches I discovered Customer Experience design.
I was obsessed. I spent countless hours researching how I could design a simple system for creating happiness that didn’t involve big data. A system where I could achieve ease and consistency using low or no technology to deliver the experience. One that created positive emotional outcomes not just for my customers, but for my creative partners and teams too. And can you believe that in the name if fun and happiness, my business soared?
In only one year, business increased by 49%. I was getting referrals from everywhere that were a whole lot easier to close.
It worked.
Then I started speaking and training other professionals on how they could do it too.
Fast forward to January 1, 2020.
I sat on a stool in my kitchen filling in my new goal planner. I asked myself, “How can I make more impact this year?” It was simply this…
…”To bring Creating Happiness to the world.”
I worked like a mad woman to document every single technique and system I’d observed or used from all of my work experience. (This combined my roles from the past two decades in corporate marketing, business coaching and consulting, entrepreneurship, college instruction, speaking and training.)
Then I applied the use of design sprints because in my world, speed to success is everything.
I designed this Virtual Bootcamp to support other businesses in achieving the success they dreamed of by working smarter and having more fun.
Are you ready to change your game too?

The Difference Between Giving Auto-Pilot Service vs. Creating a Customer Experience (CX) Program
What companies that run successful CX Programs do differently to retain more customers:
- They align all activities to their CX vision
Your CX vision is used to engage your talent and teams in your CX Strategy. It is the key to develop goals, buy-in and activities that make your CX Program successful.
- They design a CX Program that emotionally connects with their customers
Customers want to do business with people (and brands) they know, like and trust. A CX Program that intentionally connects with the customers emotions will develop that emotional connection whether you’re working with them face-to-face or digitally. Fully connected customers are 52% more valuable, on average, than those who are just highly satisfied. (Source: Harvard Business Review)
- They use a system that keeps them customer focused
Leading customers through their journey is critical to retention. If you don’t have a system in place to maintain momentum, your customers will start looking for support and solutions elsewhere.
- They constantly improve their CX Programs
Customers become active participants in program design. Business and the way customers interact with them are constantly evolving. You’ll be asking for feedback along the way to ensure you’re maximizing your efforts.
As you can see, if you’re stuck in the old ways of auto-pilot service where you react to your customers needs, you’re way behind of companies that provide intentional experiences. They are already creating happiness for their customers using a reliable and engaging system.
A well-designed CX program can shift your entire business into a revenue-generating machine, and you’ll have fun doing it!
Problems that your Customer Happiness Experience Will Solve:
High Customer Turnover
Your CX Program spoon-feeds customers what they need when they need it and opens the door for easier up-sells and cross-sells. This keeps them from looking for other solutions.
Low Customer Engagement/ Success
A well-designed CX Program increases engagement by giving customers all the support and resources they need to maximize product/ service use and achieve success.
Low Referrals
You’ll have lots of happy customers who tell their friends and family about you. Even better, your strategic partners will notice and likely send you more referrals too!
Humanizing your Business
With the advances in the digital age, customers are feeling more like a number than a human. When you design your Customer Happiness Experience Program you’ll add enough personalization and humanized touch points where your customers will feel highly valuable to you.
This Virtual Bootcamp is for you if...
- You’re ready to increase your customer value – You’ve spent a lot of time and money marketing to attract new customers, and you’d like to deliver the most value possible to keep them spending.
- You want a referral-based business – Experience design is widely used on customers, but can also be used on strategic partners and even your talent to increase referrals. You’ll have a whole lot of raving fans that want to share you with their friends and family.
- You want to stand out in your marketplace – Experience design helps you stand out from the crowd because interacting with you feels positive.
- You want to enjoy serving your customers more – And keep your talent and teams happy too.
- You want to get it done quickly – Design Sprints are being used by Fortune 500 to design and implement new ideas quickly. I’ve adapted the framework to CX Design just for small businesses!

Introducing Create Your Customer Happiness Experience: A 7-Week Virtual Bootcamp To Create Your Transformational Retention and Referrals Machine
The Virtual Bootcamp is offered in 7 online learning modules. Each module includes videos, downloadable tools, skill-building exercises and the opportunity to apply the content immediately to the CX Program you design.
You’ll be experiencing engaging online learning as you design your own CX Program.
This Virtual Bootcamp Includes:

Single Payment
Your Virtual Bootcamp Includes:
- 7 Modules of Trainings & Playbooks
- 7 Implementation "Power Hour" Calls + Q&A
- BONUS: 1 Year Access To The Business of Creating Happiness
- BONUS: CX Fast Track Planner
- BONUS: Design Sprint Playbook
- BONUS: CX Launch Guide
3-Monthly Payments
Your Virtual Bootcamp Includes:
- 7 Modules of Trainings & Playbooks
- 7 Implementation "Power Hour" Calls + Q&A
- BONUS: 1 Year Access To The Business of Creating Happiness
- BONUS: CX Fast Track Planner
- BONUS: Design Sprint Playbook
- BONUS: CX Launch Guide
Want More Detailed Information About Each Module? Read On!
Module 1 - Journey Mapping: A Visual Layout Of Everything Your Customer Experiences While They Work With You
At the end of this module, you will be clear on your existing customer journey and experience touch points.
You Will Learn:
What your customer journey map looks like - a simple and powerful step in determining how to design your customer experiences based on where the customer is on their journey with you.
What your experience touch points look like – this shows the current state of your customer interactions so you can identify the gaps and improve them.
How to identify the areas of improvement in your customer experience – This is most useful particularly if you don’t have a customer experience program in place. (You are operating on traditional service "autopilot.")
You Will Receive:
A PDF Template and video training: The Customer Journey Map Blueprint + The Experience Design Storyboard
Power Tool: The CX Compass
Sprint Test Prep Tool: Test Interview Planner – Identify Who To Ask + Identify Interview Location + Identify Interview Team + Identify Incentive
Module 2 - Personalize Your CX Program Using Enhancements To Increase Effectiveness & Efficiency In Every Planned Touchpoint
Based on your goals, you will learn how to enhance your Customer Experience Program using any of the 50+ techniques from The Business of Creating Happiness video library. Then you’ll run your touchpoints through the Perspective Test to ensure your program’s success.
You will learn how to:
Enhance your CX Design Part One: How to apply any of the CX Enhancements from The Business of Creating Happiness into your Customer Experience Program.
Enhance your CX Design Part Two: Use the Perspective Test to ensure touchpoint success.
Enhance your CX Design Part Three: How to maximize your CX Program efficiency to keep time and costs down
You Will Receive:
A PDF Planner and Training Video: to prioritize and maximize any CX Enhancements you wish to add to your program.
A PDF Checklist and Training Video: used to improve each touchpoint based on 12 different perspectives.
Power Tool: The CX Investment Maximizer
Sprint Test Prep Tool: Test Interview Planner – How To Run Ads/ Send Invites For The Test Interview
Module 3 - Personalize your CX Touchpoints To Create Positive Connections That Retain More Customers
You will learn how to use emotion mapping to determine how you want customers to feel during each touch point to elevate their experience.
You will learn:
The 8 emotions that drive customer behavior – And how to connect with customers on an emotional level
How to optimize your CX Program using emotion mapping – You will break down each touchpoint to determine how to increase positive and decrease negative outcomes that can occur
The 8 ways to raise your customer’s happiness frequency - This is Creating Happiness for your customers...right here!
How to use storytelling to create positive connections with your customers during their customer journey.
You will receive:
A PDF Template and Video Training: The Emotion Mapping Method walks you through touchpoint improvement opportunities based on how you want your customer to feel
A PDF Checklist and Video Training: The Storytelling Advantage: The 10 stories every business needs to create that generate positive connections with their customers and a strategy on when to use them.
Sprint Test Prep Tool: Test Interview Planner – Follow up & schedule people for the Test Interviews
Module 4 - Optimize Your CX Program Using A Mix Of Human Interaction & Technology
It is easy to get stuck when deciding whether to use technology or human interactions when designing your CX Program. The key is not to rely to heavily on software to “be” your program. Technology exists to support your CX program. As technology advances (AI in particular), so will your ability to implement a more personalized program using technology. In the meantime, you’ll be ready for when those technology advances come instead of starting then.
You will learn how to:
Evaluate the effectiveness of each touchpoint using either human interactions or technology to support ease and efficiency.
Establish a Feedback Loop so you can collect data to measure success.
You will determine how to design your test prototype using the CX Prototype Planner. (Remember you’re designing this to use in your test interviews, so you’ll need to be as close to reality as possible.)
Finalize your CX Program and it’s touchpoints so you can build your test prototype CX Program.
You will receive:
A PDF Checklist and Training Video - CX Touchpoint (E2) Ease & Efficiency Test
A PDF Checklist and Training Video – The Feedback Loop Solution
A PDF List of 45+ Technology Resources to support your CX Program
A PDF Checklist and Training Video – Technology Evaluation Tool
A PDF Planner and Training Video – CX Prototype Planner this helps you to build your prototype CX program.
Sprint Test Prep Tool: Test Interview Planner – Create Your Interview Questions
Module 5 - Build Your Customer Experience Program Prototype
You will learn how to break down the steps from your Prototype Planner and begin building the actual prototype. You will then create a simple workflow that can be followed throughout your interview that can also be quickly implemented if the CX Program gets approved.
You will learn how to:
Build a prototype that walks interviewees through your CX Program using simple, low-tech resources.
Build prototypes of your digital assets and human touchpoints. This will allow you to test visuals, messaging and determine how your customers will react to it.
Streamline complicated CX program design before you implement it.
Present your prototype to the Interviewer (if it isn’t going to be you) and optimize the questions you will ask in the interviews.
You will receive:
A PDF Checklist and Training Video – the Prototype Wizard helps you ensure you’ve created a complete design that will be evaluated in your test interviews.
Sprint Test Prep Tool: Test Interview Planner – Develop Prototype Interview Experience + Optimize your Interview Questions + Confirm Interview Schedule
Module 6 - Test Your Customer Happiness Experience Prototype
Prior to conducting the interviews, you will determine what needs to be observed and how to document those reactions. Then you can determine if your Customer Happiness Experience Program prototype passes, fails or needs to be modified.
You Will Learn How To:
Conduct simple interviews that keep your customers engaged and talking.
Conduct an interview debrief to record top of mind observations.
You Will Receive:
A PDF Checklist and Training Video – The Feedback Wall Method
A PDF Checklist and Training Video – The CX Program Pass/ Fail Test
Module 7 - Optimize & Launch Your Customer Happiness Experience Program
Based on what you learned in your interviews, you will make adjustments to your CX Program. Once you’ve made the updates you will reconfirm that each touchpoint passes the Perspective Test, the Investment Maximizer, The Ease & Efficiency Test, and still supports your initial goal.
Then you’ll move into the implementation phase where you invest in the software, make your digital assets and roll the program out to training your talent.
You Will Learn How To:
Optimize and launch your CX Program to ensure maximum results. (I hope your customers are ready for a HUGE does of happiness!)
What You Get:
A PDF Checklist and Training Video - The CX Program Optimizer
A PDF Checklist and Training Video – The CX Program Launch Checklist
And...You Will Get Direct Feedback From Me Every Step Of The Way!
You’ll have Q&A calls to get feedback on your CX program design and your launch.
We will cover questions like:
- Is this the right CX Program to start with?
- How many touchpoints are too many?
- How can I simplify this?
- How can I enhance this?
- Am I on the right track?
- Are these questions the right ones to ask during the test phase?
- And, more!
This is your opportunity to shift resources towards programs that attract a rich mix of loyal customers. (That means you can stop wasting up to half of your marketing budget on attracting disloyal customers who won’t stick around.)
How different would your business be if you kept more clients and got more referrals from them? Yes! That means easier sales, larger purchases AND more fun!
How do I know for sure that a Customer Experience Program will work for me?
What if I’m an entrepreneur and I don’t have a team to help me?
What if I sell a product and not a service?
What if I sell a service and not a product?
What if I don’t have cross-sells and up-sells?
What if I can’t make the implementation calls at their scheduled time?
I know investing in yourself and committing to learn this topic can be a small but important step, but I PROMISE YOU that you’ll be so glad you made it.
Here’s some statistics on what Customer Experience Design can do for you:
Brands with superior customer experience bring in 5-7 times more revenue than competitors that lag in customer experience. (Source: Retail Customer Experience)
83% of companies that believe it’s important to make customers happy also experience growing revenue. (Source: Hubspot)
84% of companies that work to improve their customer experience report an increase in their revenue. (Source: Dimension Data)
73% of companies with above-average customer experience perform better financially than their competitors. (Source: State Of CX Management)
73% of consumers say a good experience is key to influencing their brand loyalties. (PWC Customer Intelligence)

Single Payment
Your Virtual Bootcamp Includes:
- 7 Modules of Trainings & Playbooks
- 7 Implementation "Power Hour" Calls + Q&A
- BONUS: 1 Year Access To The Business of Creating Happiness
- BONUS: CX Fast Track Planner
- BONUS: Design Sprint Playbook
- BONUS: CX Launch Guide
3-Monthly Payments
Your Virtual Bootcamp Includes:
- 7 Modules of Trainings & Playbooks
- 7 Implementation "Power Hour" Calls + Q&A
- BONUS: 1 Year Access To The Business of Creating Happiness
- BONUS: CX Fast Track Planner
- BONUS: Design Sprint Playbook
- BONUS: CX Launch Guide